Pankal fish of Bengal is unmatched in terms of taste, it is rich in protein, phosphorus and iodine.

Pankal fish of Bengal is unmatched in terms of taste, it is rich in protein, phosphorus and iodine.

Delhi : You must have eaten different types of fish. But there is one fish which will fulfill your quota of protein, phosphorus and iodine. This fish is found in Bengal. The name of this fish is Pankal fish. Pankal fish is found in rural areas of Bengal. But its demand is from Bengal to the entire country. Doctors also recommend eating this fish.

Pankal fish is beneficial for eyesight
This fish is still found in rivers and canals. Pankal fish has less fat and is found in abundance in protein. Myofibrillar protein is also found in it. Villagers say that the taste of this fish cannot be compared with any other. This fish is very beneficial for eyesight. Earlier this fish was widely seen in the market. But now only the people of the village are able to see it, and it is very difficult to reach the market.

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Amlan Dutta, an experienced doctor from Bengal, said, ‘Pankal fish is basically a type of Jeol fish. This fish is also called mud fish in English. People of rural Bengal also know this fish by the name of left fish. This fish is rich in nutrients. This fish is rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin D, phosphorus, iodine and selenium.

Tags: bengal news, Bihar News, Delhi news, food 18, Jharkhand news, Local18

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